AFBCS Drop Off & Pick Up Procedure
To drop off your student each morning, please follow the K-5th route for dismissal and all students K-12 are dropped off under the covered drive through area.
Elementary (K-5) dismissal takes place under the covered drive through area. Secondary (6th-12th) dismissal takes place in the circle drive through area at the front of the campus. Secondary students that have elementary siblings, the elementary siblings will join them at secondary dismissal.
- Please see our Drop Off and Pick Up Procedure below.
- Click to view/print the enlarged PDF version.
- If you are walking up to pick up your students, please stand back and we will escort your student to you.
- At the entrance (see map), please DO NOT block off either drive as it diverts the flow of traffic. Please leave a space so that the elementary line can continue to go through.
- At the back of the campus in the parking lot, please do not snake through the cars blocking any employees in, rather follow the outskirts of the parking lot.
- Please keep your authorized pick up list up to date.
- Be sure to be cautious and drive slowly throughout the parking lot.
Thank you for your cooperation with our dismissal procedures.
We strive to keep all of our students safe.